MPO Announces the start of the 2012 Transportation Enhancement Grant Cycle

January 13, 2012

We are pleased to announce the start of the 2012 Transportation Enhancement (TE) grant cycle.  The minimum TE grant award will be $250,000 with a potential maximum award of $1 million.   We anticipate that approximately $3 to $4 million will be available for the 2012 grant cycle.  The proposed due date to submit completed applications is February 27, 2012.  A Workshop will be scheduled soon (Tentative date January 23) to discuss the most current application information for the 2012 TE cycle. In the meantime, it is important for interested applicants to begin preparing information needed for project applications to submit by the February 27, 2012 deadline.  A maximum of two (2) applications per applicant/municipality may be submitted.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Roxana Ene here at the MPO, 954-876-0042 or by e-mail at