Mobility Hubs


Mobility Hubs are a transit access point with frequent transit service, high development potential and a critical point for trip generation or transfers within the transit system.

The 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) created and defined the ‘mobility hub’ concept and identified 103 potential hub locations in three major categories - Gateway, Anchor and Community Hubs - based on a variety of land use and transit criteria.

The Hub concept has evolved as the Broward MPO has worked with partner agencies and local governments to design and implement the Hubs. There has been a greater focus on pedestrian and bicycle connections, secure and comfortable places to wait for transit, and safe and easy transfers between routes. These investments in public spaces provide the framework for private investment in places where people live, work and play.

In conjunction with the Commitment 2040 LRTP, which is an update of the 2035 LRTP, the Broward MPO is updating the typology and screening process for the identification of Hub locations. This analysis provides the opportunity to revisit not only the location criteria, but also the Mobility Hub concept, as the Broward MPO examines how to leverage its investments to maximize a Mobility Hub’s economic return and transit potential.

CLICK HERE for the list of prioritized mobility hubs from the 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan  

As the Mobility Hubs continue to evolve they will still accomplish the MPO's three main goals:

Move People

  • Maintain Infrastructure
  • Achieve Level-of-Service (LOS) Standards on Existing Infrastructure
  • Improve Accessibility for all (Regional) Users of the Transportation System
  • Maximize Transit Ridership

Create Jobs

  • Maintain or Reduce Average Travel Time to Major Economic Centers of the Urban Area (Regional)
  • Promote New Development
  • Minimize the Overall Cost of Travel
  • Maximize Private Investments in Transportation Service Provision

Strengthen Communities

  • Insure Transportation Benefits and Costs are Equitably Distributed throughout the Region
  • Reduce Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities
  • Promote Redevelopment and Infill
  • Insure Projects include Appropriate Aesthetic Considerations in their Project Design 
  • Provide Options for Non-motorized Travel 
  • Promote Environmentally Sensitive Projects