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The Broward MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a comprehensive list of federal, state and locally funded transportation projects. All modes of transportation are included in the TIP. This includes transit, roadways, bridges, aviation, seaport, rail and commuter rail, bicycle facilities, pedestrian provisions, and enhancement projects like landscaping and greenways. The Florida Department of Transportation’s Work Program is used to produce the Broward MPO's five-year TIP.
Produced annually, the TIP is known as a short-range plan because it allocates resources and dollars over each upcoming 5-year period by project phase. Project phases from inception to completion include:
The purpose of developing a TIP is to develop a staged, 5-year, program of transportation projects which is consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Major projects that eventually get programmed into the TIP generally begin as ideas many years earlier, sometimes decades earlier. These ideas may be first thought of and included in the Broward MPO's adopted LRTP, which covers a 20-25 year time span. As time passes, potential projects that remain viable gradually move closer to being included in the TIP through the LRTP's financially constrained prioritization process.
The TIP abounds with data that is used by planners and engineers such as total funding by funding source; lane and centerline mileage completed by type of work; major projects completed, underway, and delayed; and current adopted priority lists of unfunded projects. The Broward MPO adopts its TIP by July 15th each year.
To learn more about the TIP you can view or download the following fact sheets:
For an overview of the Fiscal Year 2015/16 - 2019/2020 TIP projects located in your jurisdiction please click on the appropriate link located in the table below. Each .pdf file includes a map of the municiaplity along with a summary report of all identified projects. Funding amounts may differ between the amounts shown on the map and the project reports due to the previous years' cost of some projects.
TIP Amendments
FDOT DRAFT TENTATIVE WORK PROGRAM 2017/21 (for the September 16 TCC, CIR and October 8 MPO meetings)
The Roll-Forward Report
The Roll-Forward Report lists projects that were not authorized by the end of the last fiscal year (as of June 30). To ensure that these projects will not be omitted in the newly adopted TIP, FDOT submits this Roll-Forward Report to the Broward MPO to be included in the TIP as a “TIP Amendment”.
The Variance Report
The Variance Report lists changes in projects from FDOT's Work Program (WP) between July 1st (when changes to the WP are open for the State's new fiscal year) and July 21st (the latest date when the MPOs within the District must submit their respective TIPs to FDOT).
The Annual Obligated List of Projects
The Annual Obligated List of projects shows what actually happened with TIP project funding during the preceding fiscal year. An obligated project is one that has been authorized by the federal government and funds have been approved to be released. The types of projects for which federal funds were obligated include transit, bicycle/pedestrian/greenways, new roadways, road widening, intersection improvements and reconstruction, interchange improvements, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), landscaping, transportation enhancements, and safety related projects.
If you have comments or questions regarding the TIP or the documents above please contact Roxana Ene at 954-876-0042 or
Multimodal Surface Transporation Priorities
The Multimodal Surface Transportation Priroities contains those projects that were not included in the TIP document due to limited funds. These projects are the first to be considered when funds become available. Please see below the Unfunded List of projects.
For an overview of the methodology used to identify projects in the Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities, please click the link below:
If you have any questions regarding the Unfunded List of projects please contact Roxana Ene at 954-876-0042 or
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