Complete Streets Projects Map


Use the map below to explore the existing bicycle facilities as well as the planned bicycle and mobility projects in Broward County. Click on the menu icon at the top left of the map to check/uncheck each project area you would like to view.

Existing Bicycle Facilities – Existing bicycle facilities in Broward County. This layer includes bike lanes, multi-purpose paths, urban shoulders, paved shoulders, and wide curb lanes

Mobility Projects – Projects under this program include bicycle and pedestrian facilities that seek to complement the goals and vision of the Broward MPO’s Complete Streets initiative and are programmed for construction in our Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) over the next five (5) years. For a full list of of mobility projects, click here.

2035 Cost Feasible Bicycle Projects – The vision for Broward’s bicycle network based on the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. 

To view of map of Complete Streets in Broward County, click here.