Trends and Performance
We began by trying to understand where we are and where we’re going. This involved determining who currently lives here, and what we expect the Broward population will look like throughout the 30 years of the plan. This included information about who we are, what our jobs look like and the increasing diversity of our population.
Publications & Findings
Infographic - Current Socioeconomic Trends
Maps - Future Socioeconomic Trends
Maps - SERPM 7 Transit Ridership
Maps - SERPM 7 Volume To Capacity
Supporting Data & Analysis
Analysis - SERPM 7 Person Trips
Analysis - SERPM 7 Roadway Assignment
Analysis - SERPM 7 Transit Ridership
Data - American Community Survey (2011, Five-year) - Household Income Estimates
Data - Broward MPO - Socioeconomic Estimates, 2010 and 2040 (Traffic Analysis Zones)
Data - Broward MPO - Socioeconomic Estimates, 2010 and 2040 (Micro-analysis Zones)
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